Masturbation and Your Marriage

Woman relaxing on bed, Masturbation
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Masturbation is a common and healthy behavior. It can also be a challenging topic to discuss. You might have trouble talking about sex with your partner, so you feel too embarrassed to bring it up. For some married couples, the subject may even feel "taboo" to talk about openly.

Learning the facts about masturbation in marriage is important to addressing any concerns you may have. This begins with understanding why it can be difficult to talk about with your partner, as well as recognizing the benefits and drawbacks of masturbation when you're married, then deciding what's right for you.

At a Glance

Masturbating in marriage can be a healthy behavior as long as it doesn't interfere with the intimacy and closeness of your relationship. There are many misconceptions about masturbation, but research has shown that is can reduce stress, increase libido, and boost overall sexual wellness. It can be a problem, however, if it becomes a substitute for intimacy or leads to feelings of guilt, shame, or inadequacy. If masturbating in marriage is a concern, it's important to have open and honest discussions with your partner.

Common Concerns About Masturbation in Marriage

Many misconceptions about masturbation persist, even though evidence indicates that it is a normal, healthy, and even beneficial act—regardless of relationship status. These misconceptions can cause you to draw incorrect conclusions about what it means if you or your partner masturbates.

If you are married, for instance, you might become worried that your partner's desire to masturbate is a signal that you're not meeting their sexual needs or that they're not attracted to you anymore. But this isn't necessarily the case because it isn't unusual for people to masturbate in addition to having regular sex with their partners.

Likewise, wanting to masturbate when you're married doesn't necessarily mean that there is anything "wrong" with you, your partner, or your sexual relationship. A person may also feel differently about masturbation when they are single versus when they are partnered or married.

Here's the truth: masturbation can be part of a healthy sex life, even when you are married. It's healthy to masturbate if you are partnered as long as the behavior doesn't interfere with your sexual intimacy as a couple or become a compulsive activity that negatively impacts your work or social life. In fact, masturbation is part of many couples' sexual repertoire.

Facts About Masturbation

Feeling embarrassed to talk about masturbation can be, in part, a result of the negative, mixed, or even completely false messages people receive on the subject. If masturbation is part of your sexuality and sexual expression, it's important to have the facts.

Here are several facts to consider:

  • Masturbation is not unnatural.
  • Masturbation will not "make you go blind" or cause hairy palms.
  • Masturbation does not cause acne or cancer. (In fact, ejaculating more frequently, whether through sexual intercourse or masturbation, actually reduces prostate cancer risk.)
  • Masturbation does not reduce penis size or lead to sexual dysfunction or infertility issues.
  • Masturbation will not give you a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
  • Masturbation does not cause mental illness.
  • Masturbation will not change your sexuality.
  • Masturbation is not self-abuse, nor is it infidelity.
  • Masturbation does not hinder social or emotional development.
  • Masturbation will not "turn you into a pervert."

Benefits of Masturbation in Marriage

Research has found that masturbating offers several benefits, some of which include an improved sense of sexual wellness, increased feelings of sexual empowerment, and reduced stress. Masturbating can also have a positive effect on libido.

Some people find that masturbation leads to greater self-discovery. It can help you learn about what you like and don't like sexually, for instance. Masturbating can also help you figure out how you need to be stimulated to achieve an orgasm.

Understanding your sexual preferences is beneficial to your mutual sexual encounters. Research has shown that masturbating while you are in a relationship is healthy and can prompt more mutual sexual activity.

If you and your partner have different levels of desire for sex—especially in terms of frequency—masturbating can provide the partner with a higher libido a healthy outlet for their desire. It can also help fill a void if one partner is unwilling or unable to engage in a mutual sexual activity.

Engaging in masturbation with your partner, called mutual masturbation, also has benefits. According to a study published in 2023, masturbating with your partner can increase your levels of sexual satisfaction.

People often feel better after having gratifying sex—whether solo or mutual. Masturbation can ensure that each partner is able to enjoy the many benefits of sex and are getting their needs met in a healthy way.

Drawbacks of Masturbation in Marriage

While there are many benefits of masturbation for partnered people, there are also some potential drawbacks. The topic becomes more complicated by the fact that people in relationships may define masturbation differently.

For example, some people consider masturbation to be a solitary act, while others think it is something partners can do together. Studies have also shown that some people do not consider self-stimulating sexual acts to be masturbation if orgasm does not occur.

Partners might have different and even conflicting thoughts about what constitutes masturbation. To prevent misunderstandings, these definitions should be openly discussed and clarified.

Feelings of Guilt or Shame

The partner who masturbates may experience negative feelings like guilt or shame. These emotions can be a result of worrying that it may hurt their partner if they knew. Or the person may be concerned that wanting to masturbate suggests there is something wrong with their marriage.

Feelings of Inadequacy

A partner who does not engage in masturbation may report feelings of disappointment, worry, or fear upon learning that their partner is masturbating. They might blame themselves or make assumptions about their partner's feelings or motives—for example, thinking that they must be bored, unhappy, or dissatisfied with their sexual relationship if they feel the need to masturbate.

Substitute for Intimacy

While masturbation is typically a healthy behavior, there are times when it is or can become unhealthy. This includes when someone is using it to avoid their relationship, as a substitute for intimacy with their partner.

Masturbation can also be unhealthy if a person is unable to function in their day-to-day life; unable to attend to their responsibilities at home, school, or work; experiences a health problem related to excessive masturbation; or when it is a symptom of sexual addiction

Reduced Trust

When partners feel that they cannot speak freely about the subject of masturbation, it can feel secretive or even shameful. Likewise, if a person discovers that their partner is "secretly" masturbating, they might feel that something has been kept from them. This can undermine the trust in a relationship.

If Masturbation Is an Issue In Your Marriage

Some opinions and advice about masturbation and its possible effects on marriage can be conflicting, confusing, and even totally inaccurate. With regard to your marriage, it really comes down to personal preference. What works for one couple might not work in your relationship, and vice versa.

You and your partner benefit from having an open and honest discussion about masturbation—everything from how you define it to how you feel about it. If a partner's worries go unvoiced and unacknowledged, there is no opportunity to discuss the reality (or truth) of the situation.

One partner might simply need reassurance that the other partner is not masturbating to fulfill needs that are going unmet in the relationship. Conversely, when one partner is unsatisfied and it is motivating them to engage in masturbation, this also needs to be addressed and discussed.

If you or your partner have questions or concerns about masturbation or any element of your sexual relationship, you might find it helpful to work with a sex therapist. "Working with a sex therapist can help partners have a more open dialogue about their sexual needs, including solo sex," says Jennifer Litner, PhD, LMFT, sexologist and founder of Embrace Sexual Wellness.

Some people feel uncomfortable discussing masturbation with their partners because it is a private activity or they learned it was taboo or experience sexual shame. A sex therapist can help partners work through any of these roadblocks and deepen their connection.



Many people masturbate—even when they are in a long-term relationship or are married. While you might have apprehensions about discussing it with your partner, it can be healthy for your relationship.

Having open and honest discussions about sexual desire, which can include the desire to masturbate, can help prevent concerns or feelings of inadequacy, guilt, or shame. If one partner is masturbating but keeping it a "secret," it can cause worry, feelings of betrayal, and misunderstandings.

Masturbation can be part of any sexual relationship, and in a satisfying emotional and physical romantic relationship, masturbation can be a healthy and positive aspect. However, if it becomes excessive or interferes with someone's day-to-day or sexual functioning, it can become unhealthy, making it important to seek professional help.

14 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Cleveland Clinic. Masturbation.

  2. Kraus F. The practice of masturbation for women: The end of a taboo? Sexologies. 2017;26(4):e35-e41. doi:10.1016/j.sexol.2017.09.009

  3. Velten J, Margraf J. Satisfaction guaranteed? How individual, partner, and relationship factors impact sexual satisfaction within partnerships. PLoS ONE. 2017;12(2):e0172855. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172855

  4. International Society for Sexual Medicine. What are the myths and facts about masturbation?

  5. Kılıç D, Armstrong H, Graham C. The role of mutual masturbation within relationships: Associations with sexual satisfaction and sexual self-esteem. Int J Sex Health. 2023. doi:10.1080/19317611.2023.2237950

  6. Mushy S, Rosser BR, Ross M, et al. The management of masturbation as a sexual health issue in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: A qualitative study on health professionals' and medical students' perspectives. J Sex Med. 2021;18(10):1690-1697. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.07.007

  7. Harvard Health Publishing. Ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer.

  8. Abdul Awal Miah M, Khan S. Sexual myths and behavior of male patients with psychosexual dysfunction in Bangladesh. Dhaka Univ J Psychol. 2015;39:89-100.

  9. Tufts Medical Center. Masturbation in preschoolers.

  10. Meiller C, Hargons CN. “It’s happiness and relief and release”: Exploring masturbation among bisexual and queer women. J Counsel Sexol Sexual Wellness Res Pract Educ. 2019;1:3-13. doi:10.34296/01011009

  11. American Counseling Association. Will masturbation hurt your relationship?

  12. Kirschbaum AL, Peterson ZD. Would you say you “had masturbated” if … ?: The influence of situational and individual factors on labeling a behavior as masturbation. J Sex Res. 2018;55(2):263-272. doi:10.1080/00224499.2016.1269307

  13. Haus KR, Thompson AE. An examination of the sexual double standard pertaining to masturbation and the impact of assumed motives. Sex Cult. 2020;24(3):809-834. doi:10.1007/s12119-019-09666-8

  14. Regnerus M, Price J, Gordon D. Masturbation and partnered sex: Substitutes or complements? Arch Sex Behav. 2017;46(7):2111-2121. doi:10.1007/s10508-017-0975-8

Additional Reading

By Sheri Stritof
Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20+ years. She's the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book.